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About programme specifications

A programme specification is a description of a course that leads to a University award. It describes:

  • the aims and outcomes of the course
  • how the course is taught
  • the structure of the course
  • how the student is assessed (e.g. exams, dissertations, portfolios or projects)
  • the standard that the student needs to achieve in order be awarded the qualification.

Programme specifications are kept as simple as possible with a standardised format as they have a wide intended readership. For more detailed course information please see the University and College prospectuses and individual faculty and department websites.  More information about programme specifications at the University can be obtained from the Education Quality and Policy Office.

Archive of programme specifications

An archive of programme specifications for University awards, including those which have been discontinued, and other courses such as Diplomas and Certificates, is provided below.  Note that some courses leading to a research degree do not produce individual specifications; see our pages on Research degrees for more information.

Title/Link Year Award
Master of Studies in The Study of Jewish-Christian Relations 2010-11 Master of Studies
Advanced Diploma in Archaeology 2010-11 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Archaeology 2011-12 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Archaeology 2013-14 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Archaeology 2009-10 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Archaeology 2015-16 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Archaeology 2016-17 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Archaeology 2014-15 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Counselling 2010-11 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Counselling 2009-10 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Ecological Monitoring and Conservation 2015-16 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Ecological Monitoring and Conservation 2014-15 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Ecological Monitoring and Conservation 2013-14 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Economics 2020-21 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Economics 2017-18 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Economics 2021-22 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Economics 2018-19 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Economics 2024-25 Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Economics 2014-15 Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma in Economics 2015-16 Diploma/Advanced Diploma